video today i'm gonna do a few videosarray to be precise on virgin vapor e-juice e-liquid now urgent favor is atotally organic all-natural e-liquid let me start by saying that when you getyour virgin vapor in the mail my recommendation is open it up shake itup first she got a real good these are fresh 100% organic juices sowhat you want to do is you wanna let him sleep in my opinion you open it up topoff and just let it sit for a day open but the air headed to let it get inand around with the the air steep in the juice then you shake it up again whenyou're ready this one here i'm doing is organicdeath-by-chocolate really very good
stuff see that with the sun death bychocolate so i already put some of my eye dropper phenomenal now again you have to letvirgin vapor e juice steep for about a day that's my opinion they come to you 100%organic it's it's not these aren't juices like you'd find at your localvideo store that are packed with artificial flavors that's why you getthat tanky and really you know unless these companies are organic you're gonnabe able to tell the difference with virgin paper if you're looking for aclean just delicious straight organic natural flavor he jews try the virginvapor line you might want to get a
sample pack at first maybe a couplesample packs give them a shot but the organic death-by-chocolate verychocolatey very good the next time we're going to do here is the organic creamcaramel virgin vapor e juice and i'm doing here the six milligrams of nicotinelevel these are already have been sleeping for two days actually irecommend 12 days even better let the air headed let it get all situated andyou'll be you'll be very happy this stuff is delicious virgin vapor e juice organic cream caramelfrom virgin vapor he juice even with the steep i'm still chasing alittle alcohol because they use a natural and alcohol process to to makethe flavors still get a little flavor of
that but very very clean very juststraight up delicious virgin paper just say you know has been around sincejuices started they've been there probably one of the oldest companies andis run by a woman by the name of and that she creates all these flavors andthey're done in sterile environments virgin vapor is truly a treat it's not something you're gonna find itmost your fav stores although a lot of them do carry virgin paper he'll pushthem because they're organic there are very different type of features thereare clean straight-forward use with no artificial junk and your taste you'lltaste the difference when you get virgin vapor e juice so
order some virgin vapor the links at thebottom of the video you'll be glad you did i'm gonna do another two more videosfrom virgin paper today got a bunch of flavors here so i hope you enjoyed thisone order some virgin paper i just did the organic death by chocolate and ialso did the organic cream caramel both phenomenal flavors