with this one simple trick, you'll be ableto take any bottle of soda, and pour out an instant slushy on command. now if you don'tbelieve what you're seeing, that's ok, but it is real, and in this project you'll discoverthe insanely easy secret to making an instant soda slushy. for this project, grab a bottle of room temperaturesoda, and start shaking it violently. we want as much pressure to build up inside as wecan get. now i've done this with these 500ml bottles, and set them in the freezer for 3hours and 15 minutes. this is the point when they're colder than freezing, but not actuallyfrozen. now you can show your friends that it's just a normal soda, but watch what happensif we simply release the pressure, tighten
the cap, and turn it upside down. in just3 seconds, the entire bottle has turned to an icy soda slush. pour it in a glass, andyou'll get a good idea of how thick the slush really is, and when it starts pushing up atthe top you can see it's a light and fluffy, delicious carbonated ice. now let's try removingthe pressure very slowly. this is going to take a bit of patience, but when you get thecap off, you might notice, your soda didn't freeze. if you pour it into a frosty bowlthat just came out of the freezer, it'll ice up right before your eyes. there's one chilledsoda ready to be served. you could try keeping your soda liquified by pouring it in a cleanbowl, then freezing it by dropping in one flake of ice. these crystals will grow rapidly,until your entire bowl is filled, and now
we have another chilled soda, ready for yourenjoyment. on a bigger scale, like in a glass, you'll notice that the crystals collect atthe top. to get them to spread out, just take a spoon, or a straw, and give it a little swirl.you should see the whole drink quickly ices over. now, if you're wondering why this works,it's because the liquid is supercooled and actually wants to freeze. it just needs somehelp getting started. now this works with every soda, and sports drink that i've triedbecause it's the water in the drink that's actually freezing. as the ice forms, the syrupgets trapped between the ice crystals, so the slush keeps its flavor. if you try thisyourself, keep in mind that every freezer is a little different, so just play aroundwith the time it takes to get your best results.
i tried supercooling canned soda and foundthat they work as well, but you have to release the pressure very very slowly or they'll iceup in the can. when you do get them open, you'll see the trick works exactly the sameas the others. well now you know how to super-chill, your favorite soft drink, and master the artof the 3 second slushy. if you like this project, perhaps you'll like some of my others. checkthem out at www.thekingofrandom.com