teaching a bird to talk is not difficult ifyou have the right kind of bird. the difficulty is teaching the bird to say what you wantit to say. birds have a habit of picking up things that we don't necessarily want themto be repeating, and of course, not repeating the things that we do want them to repeat.the trick to teaching a bird to talk is repetition, emotion, and reward. so, any word or phrasethat you're going to repeat to the bird over and over again, is going to be more likelyto be learned by the bird. also, any word that's repeated over and over again, but,and with lots of emotion is going to be learned by the bird more frequently. this is why cursewords tend to be learned very quickly and very easily by birds, because they're yelled,with lots of emotion and they tend to be said
over and over again. so, be aware of thatwhen you have a bird in the house, because if you happen to curse a lot, and you curseloud, and you curse with a lot of emotion, chances are he's going to be doing it too.so, definitely be aware of that. and, of course, whenever he says what you want him to say,reward him. be it with a treat, like a piece of papaya, look at him, this guy's being alittle butt head today, a piece of papaya, or a special seed, or, you know, whatevertreat that that bird in particular likes. over time you will discover the birds individualpersonality and what kind of treats he likes and what's the best reward. so, repetition,saying a word, saying words or phrases over and over again. and saying them with lotsof emotion. also, words that are associated
with actions tend to be picked up pretty quickly.most birds that do talk, generally pick up the phrase step up, from the training process,and they generally pick up phrases like, how you doing, or what you doing, or you know,something that, a lot of people tend to say when they come up to a bird and they see itfor the first time, or they're coming home and greeting the bird. these phrases tendto be picked up very quickly because, they're being rewarded by attention when you comehome, or come up to see them. and they're being said repeatedly over and over again,and there tends to be at least a small bit of emotion behind them. so, repetition, emotionand reward. those three things together, you can teach your bird pretty much how to doanything. but, those are going to be the easiest
and quickest ways to teach your bird how totalk. and, sometimes we teach them things we don't really want to teach them. so, beaware of that, because it can be a problem down the line, even though it may not be aproblem right now. it may be even funny, or kind of cute. curse words can be very hardto re-home a bird, if it's necessary. lot's of homes won't take birds in that swear alot. and also, if you have children later, or have children in the house now, it canbe problematic. so, repetition, emotion and reward.