- i'm coyote peterson.that's a cassowary. today, i'm gonna challenge it to an apple eating contest. (fast, upbeat music) this morning what i'm gonnado is challenge this cassowary i really love apples. this cassowaryreally loves apples. it's pretty cool tohave something in common with a living dinosaur.
i'm pretty sure,though, that i'm gonna be able to eat an applefaster than this bird. she doesn't even havehands to hold onto it with. - [voiceover] alright,you ready for this? - [coyote peterson] yeah,give me a countdown. - [voiceover] alright,now you gotta eat all the way to the core. - all the way to the core. not eating the seeds, though.
- [voiceover] no,no, just the core, just the core, ready? you gotta do thisfast 'cause i've heard that this cassowaryis like lightning. - [coyote peterson]not gonna beat me. - [voiceover] okay. ready?- yup. - [voiceover] 3, 2, 1, go! (fast music) - oh, yeah!
this one's extremely juicy. - [voiceover] chew it, chew it. come on, you gotta finishit down to the core. i've seen chipmunkseat faster apples. come on, let's go! alright, you gottaswallow it, though, you gotta swallow it. how's that taste? - [coyote peterson] delicious.
you're never gonnabeat me cassowary. you're never gonna beat me. - [voiceover] come on,you gotta swallow it. every second counts, come on, come on, come on. (bell dings) alright- done! look at that. - [voiceover] 53 seconds.
- top that, cassowary. how do you likethem apples? whoo! i've eaten applesfast before, but, under the pressure of havingto defeat this cassowary, i had to go extra fast. i think i've gotthis bird topped. she doesn't even have hands. i don't know how she'spossible gonna beat me in under 60 seconds.
but i guess we'llsee what happens. alright, ryan, ismama cassowary ready for her apple? - i think we'reready for the apple. - alright, counting down. 3, 2, 1. that cassowary justswallowed that apple whole. i didn't see that coming. she didn't even chew it.
- i think she won. - whoa, did youguys just see that? - [voiceover] i'm gonnasay that was three seconds. - that cassowary,literally, just swallowed that apple whole. i almost have to seethat again to believe it. let's replay that, replay that. (playful music) whoa, did you guysjust see that?
(laughing) did you guys see that? wow! there you have it. i was just completely demolished in the apple eatingcontest by the cassowary. i'm coyote peterson. be brave. stay wild. i better practiceeating my apples. we'll see you onthe next adventure.
if you thoughtchallenging a cassowary to an apple eatingcontest was cool, make sure to go back andwatch my full encounter with thisprehistoric-looking bird. don't forget, subscribeto join me and the crew on this season ofbreaking trail. that is intimidatingright there. (animal sounds)