- they're kind of likedinosaurs, but not in a good way. just in a terrifying way, like they could revert at any time. (mysterious music and birds cawing) - i don't like birds,whether they're small or big, or whatever they're doing, if they're just sitting there or flying, i do not like them at all. - i have immediate fear of them.
- they're messy, they shit on everything. - the weird feet. - i'm kind of scared that they're gonna just attack every single human being. - [voiceover] there is asurprise element to this video. (ding) - please don't bring in a bird. (groans) what's that noise? - is it in front of my face?
- [voiceover] not yet. - what, not yet? [voiceover] open your eyes. - [blonde woman] you can do it. (laughs) - (gasps) oh!- [man] oh my god. - (gasps) oh my god! - oh my god. - oh my god! (gasps quietly)
- oh my god, there are three of them! - it's ducks. it's ducks. - oh my god, they're so yellow! - hi. - hi, hey. (woman laughs) - it's a baby. - no! no!
don't! don't! - i think mine's shitting on my hand. my hand feels moist. - ah! - oh my god, holy shit! they're so cute! - i'm so not scared of these ones. - i'm your mother now. - oh my god, look at the little wings.
oh, the bugs. - [pink haired woman] is it soft? - as long as i look at it this way, and i can't see his eyesor his beak or his claws, he's super cute! - it's kind of awkward though. 'cause i feel i've eaten a lot of these, and it's really bad. i'm like, "sorry!"
it's true, people eat ducks! - [woman] but you don't have to eat ducks! - dude, i'm really sorry! i never thought i wouldsee you eye to eye. - oh! - that noise! - he's making a little wiffle noise. - i can look at it and ican appreciate its cuteness, but i can't carry it.
no. (laughs) - i feel like a good duck mother. - i feel like a horrible duck father. - [blonde woman] thisdoesn't count as a bird. it's not flapping in my face. it's not pooing on my car. - this is the best surprisethat i think i've ever had. - his eyes are stillreally freaking me out when i look at them.
- yeah, i like birds. they're cool. - see, these are what raptors became. if they were bigger - - [blonde woman] oh my god, chill buddy. - they would eat me. this does not change howi feel about birds at all. - i am still a bit freaked out. - i definitely like birdsa lot more after today.
- after looking at a duck in the eyes, i'm gonna try not to eat duck now. - hate birds. like fluffy things. - (sings lion king opening song) ♫ i love ducks. ♫ i just wanna be a duck queen, and just be surrounded by ducks for the rest of my life, to be honest.