in the beginning of the summer i was out by the pool and i found a toad that was lying on its back and look likeit was basically dead. my girlfriends dad was actually going to throw it out thinking that it was dead,but i took it, and i put it into a bowl full of water, and actually brought it home with me totry to
nurse it back to health. at first i didn't think that this toad was going to really do that well, but i figured i would give it a chance, and see if i could help it get better. so i brought it home. i put it into a cage, and got it some decorations and places for it to hide. i am pretty sure that it has a broken leg. it took a while for it to really start moving around.
one of the other issues that this toad had was that in actually was impacted or had an intestinal obstruction which you can see in the video he has a stool ball sticking out of his anus. now i'm not a veterinarian, but i am a physician, and i deal with this kinda stuff in people so i tried to basicallymanually disimpact this toad, which is probably one of theweirdest things i have ever done
but i think i actually helped it. so basically what i wasdoing was trying to help it take a dump basically so i applied some pressure toits abdomen and using q-tips iwas able to help it pass thestool, which was unbelievably large (female voice in background saying, "oh my god, oh my god, oh my god" while laughing) and he did much better after
having that done. it took him a little bit of time before he started acting semi normal again, but i think anyone would agree having a stool ball the size of your head stuck in there would make you not reallywanna eat too much. he has a swimming pool in his container and he hangs out in there like a hot tub for most the time. he is eating! i have been feeding him waxworms and meal worms. i haven't tried any cricket.
he is handicapped, but he is awesome! he's a really cool pet! i can get him back to normal from a mobility standpoint, i do plan on releasing him back into the wild, but he really has trouble moving around andi have to put the food right near him for him to get to it. but he does eat, and he is getting stronger he is a really cool pet. his name is tobias or toby for short!
and that is pretty much all i have tosay about that. if you guys enjoyed this video please comment like and subscribe. check out my othervideos on my youtube channel my username is phillyaquaponics. also check out my instagram, twitter, and facebook pages. i post on them pretty regularly if you have any questions feel free to ask, and i'll try to get back to you as soon as i can. thanks for watching! bye!