this is the video where i teach you guys howto connect your pax 2 vaporizer to your waterpipe, bong, bubbler, whatever you want to call it.your water filtration device. it’s real simple, it doesn’t require any technicalknowhow. you just have to have a few special tool that you can get online.i have all sorts of little pax tools here that i use when i use my pax 2.i’ll try and explain everything to you, but right now i’m going to open up my grinderand uhhh see what we have. it’s full, it’s ready to go.my pax 2… i have the screen taken out of the oven andi’m gonna put in this little aftermarket, thicker, 3d screen - it’s called.and it’s by the guys at newvape710
i think that’s their website, newvape.comi have to check. i’m gonna load my pax 2 up right now, andi’m not loading it up all the way, because i have a second little tool here, it’s calledthe pax pusher. and together with the screen it makes a combocalled the pax sandwich. i’ll just lower this…this little nut here on top. my screen still a little high, lets get thatlittle adjustable nut moved. down, there we go.so now i have my little pax sandwich in here. i’m gonna take this water pipe adapter,we’ll move this out of the way, move this here.take this water pipe adapter. put it in there.
we’re gonna put the pax 2 in it, and toturn it on, real simple we’re just going to press (boop).now. the reason that works is there’s a little nub in the water pipe adapter - itsticks up right in the center, around it are the holes for the airpath.that nub presses the button in the pax 2. you can use it to adjust the temperatures,you can use it to uh, turn the unit on and off.right now it’s heating up, lets see what temperature it’s on.it's on the third temperature, lets start nice and light, so we’re gonna go one, two, three.and lets set it to that second temperature, press and hold.and we’re gonna wait for that to finish
heating up.uh, the pax 2 takes about, i don’t know, a minute. a minute to heat up.90 seconds-ish, a minute and a half. so it's going to take us a little bit of time. how long is this thing gonna take to heatup pax 2, common. common. this is gonna be a good hit, i’m gonna reallyenjoy this hit. it’s ready. that first hit was tasty, it was all taste in fact.so the second is is definitely going to have a little bit more vapor. as is normally thecase with vaporizers.
now this water pipe adapter…this water pipe adapter is made by newvape and it fits a 14 and 18 millimeter femalejoint. they also have a unit that fits male joints. it goes on top of it, good for rigs,dab rigs. simple as that, thats how you hook up yourpax 2 vaporizer to a waterpipe, bong, or bubbler. thank you guys for watching, tune in for thenext video.