nicotine calculator

nicotine calculator

looking for a great tasting electronic cigarettesan francisco, let me introduce you to the v2 cigs electroniccigarette. let's take a look at their website here: advantages of v2 cigs vs. tobacco cigarettes with v2 cigs there is:- no smoke - no tar- no ash - no bad breath- no odors or staining - no 2nd hand smoke- no harmful carbon monoxide- you can smoke free from most smoking bans

- plus it provides you with the nicotine youcrave for about 1/5th the costs how much can smoking v2 cigs save you? let's take at look at their savings calculator. if you smoke 1 ppd of your favorite cigaretteand the average price of a pack of cigarettesin california is @ $6.77 then you are spending about $220 per monthvs only $45 per month if you switched over to v2 cigs. now, if you are a 2 ppd smoker, than you wouldsave $349/mo or $4,190/yr

if you are 3 ppd smoker, your savings wouldbe $524 monthly and $6,285 annually. now compare that savings with what you wouldsave with the other well known brand e cigs, like: blu cigs: $53 monthlygreensmoke: $92 monthly njoy: only $105 monthly vs $524 monthly for3 ppd representing a huge savings difference. what about other comparisons to these brands well, the entry starter kit for v2 cigs costs$34.95 vs. $69.95 for blu cigs $59.97 for greensmoke

$21.99 for njoy however, njoy's single cartridgeis nearly 3 times the cost of v2 cigs. so over time, you wind up spending a lot morein a short period of time. lifetime warranty - only v2 cigs & greensmokeoffer this live customer service chat - yes for v2 , blu& greensmoke manual battery choice - only v2 portable charging case - v2 & blu for kit choices, battery colors, battery lengths& flavors, v2 cigs offers a greater variety. what flavors do v2 cigs offer: v2 red - which is an american tobacco blendwith similar flavor profiles to marlboro,

pall mall, winston, basic, lucky strike, doral,and chesterfield v2 shara - turkish tobacco similar to camel,kent, american spirit, merit, and many european cigarette varieties then theres v2 congress with floavor profiles like: parliament,marlboro lights, viceroy, benson & hedges, kent, merit, and l & m. they also have mint and menthol flavors like: v2 mentholv2 peppermint v2 mint tea

as well as specialty flavors like: cherrycoffee vanillacola grape and evenchocolate what about reviews? v2 cigs have a ton of raving reviews. herethey have over 2900 reviews carrying a rating averaging 4.7 out of 5 stars. feel free toperuse through these great reviews. there are a lot of them. so, how much does it cost to get started?

let's take a look at their starter kits see they have a range of prices that will fit nearly any budget from $34.95 for their beginners kit, all the wayup to $169.95 for their v2 ultimate kit. to get more information click on this big orange button to get totheir website.