hi my name is madeline franco and we are hereto talk about birds and in this segment we are going to talk about what to do if yourbird is lost or flies away. it is not uncommon even if you clip your bird. you may forgetthat his wing feathers grow back and he may some fine day run for daylight. you need toact quickly but be aware that pet birds don't generally fly a long distance. however, becausethey are not used to flying, they can go up they just don't know many of them how to landon something or how to target. if you haven't taught your bird to target and he is flightedyou might want to look into doing that. it does help you retrieve your bird a lot easier.however, as soon as a bird is lost, you need to spend a little bit of time collecting yourthoughts and putting out fliers. if you belong
to a bird club alert everyone in your birdclub. if they have a website, alert the website. you can call the veterinarians, the pet stores.many people will cooperate with you if you do lose your bird. we have a lost and foundat the southern nevada parrot education rescue and rehoming society we have a lost and foundarea of the site. there is also 911 parrot rescue site. you want to go on the internetand use as many of those tools as you can. this here is sammy and he flew away ratherquickly one fine spring day. it was actually sunday and i was getting ready to meet a clientand sammy was startled by something and he took off. he was out and about playing withthe pigeons on roofs. we could see him, we could hear him but he didn't know exactlyhow to fly to me. so the interesting thing
is that he actually dropped out of the skyon the third day, literally he was on a roof and a guy was on his porch and he was outon his porch with his agoraphobic cat. the bird dropped into his lap, said his name andhe did that because he was hungry. on the first day there is this feeling of exhilaration.on the second day there is a little bit more comfort with the freedom but by the thirdday they don't know how to forage in the outdoors, they are rather tired and rather hungry andit is not unusual for them to come to a person for help. they are used to getting their foodfrom people and that is generally what they will do. i actually listed sammy on craig'slist with which many people are familiar and there are a number of people who will liston craig's list if they have lost or found
a bird. so take advantage of as many resourcesas you can, work quickly, make fliers, contact your local bird club, your veterinarians andget school children involved. kids are great at finding stuff. they even love finding animals.so don't despair, many birds are found several days after they have gotten loose and we havebeen able to recover a fair number of them. don't lose heart, it can take several days,maybe even several weeks but don't stop looking and don't give up hope.