how to feed budgies feeding your budgies a balanced diet is arequirement for a healthy and active birds and if you want them to live for many yearsto come. some bird keepers feed their budgies with seed only diet and that is not sufficientfor your budgies. seed mix should constitute only a small percentage of the total budgiediet. a balanced diet for your budgie includes avariety of seeds, pellets,plenty of greens,vegetables and fruits. if you feed your budgies witha mix of foods your budgie can live for ten years or more. feeding your budgie with onlyone type of food can cause deficiency in your bird which can lead to illness and diseasean in extreme cases the death of the bird.
choosing a balanced diet for your budgie 1. seed mixyou can easily find seed diet for your budgie from your local pet store. but this is notenough for your budgerigar. seeds should only constitute 20% of your budgie's diet. keepthe seeds in airtight container to keep them fresh. 2. pallet dietpalletted diet provides a lot of nutrients for your birds that keeps them healthy andactive. pallets should not be given as a main diet to those budgies who are not used tothem. they should only be used as an addition to your budgie's primary diet.
3. fresh fruits and vegetablesfresh fruits and vegetables should constitute a large portion of your budgie's diet andshould be offered daily. fruits and vegetables such as apples, grapes, pineapple, pear, mango,banana, peach etc. vegetables you can give are carrot, peas, fennel, peppers, spinach,broccoli, corn (soft and milky), beetroot, sweet potato etc. 4. grains.wild budgerigars are mainly grass seed eaters, however for pet birds soaked grains are softfood and should also constitute your budgie's diet. grains such as quinoa, brown rice, wheat,bread, wholegrain pastas, millet, couscous, barley, flax and oats are good for them.
5. egg foodegg food is an excellent diet for any budgie. eggs are a great source of calcium and proteinfor your birds and should be offered to them occassionally (once a week). egg food helpin the growth of feathers, healthy muscles and bones. egg food is also essential at moltingand breeding times. 6. extrasalso provide your budgies with cuttlebone, mineral block, vitamin supplements and cleandrinking water. these supplements contain calcium and essential minerals. budgies loveto chew them. make sure you provide them at all times. some other supplements such aspro-biotics and algaes are availabe at pet stores but you should always consult yourveterinarian before giving to your bird.
for more information visit our website www.lovebirdvalley.com